
Thursday, 31 March 2016

Plagiarism on a big scale.....and it was paying well.

Read an interesting article in the Sindo (Sunday Independent) Ireland this week about a lady living in, it appears , in Cork Ireland who ripped off three books by another Irish author: from the back catalogue.

It was accomplished it seems by typing in the books and then INDIE publishing, and offering them for sale on Amazon, with a change of title and character name changes. And of course a new author name.

Amazon sold the books unaware and I estimate the first rip-off book alone earned (if 70% KDP royalty applied) over €10,000.

The figures were also given for the second book – but Amazon had been made aware by then and suspended payment.

The third book – I presume is now on the back burner.

What a cheek! What a cheek! To steal another writer's work – and blog, give interviews, and generally market yourself as the genuine author. What a bare-faced cheek! How did she think it would be un-noticed? Obviously nothing between her ears!

Wonder how “entrallingdimple” feel about the glowing tribute and interview they did for the Plagiarist.

It's important to note that the figures for the royalties given in the article and elsewhere do not agree with mine. But I'm basing my calculations on the fact that I earn 70% royalties on Amazon (where the books were sold). Bloggers are getting incensed that the quoted royalties stolen are so low.

Bit of a red-herring I think. The point is that an author of it is claimed 26 books: three of while we know were plagiarised, needs more careful scrutiny than the payments she received.

Some also wrote that they did not know if the person was a she or he.

Well lads, and lassies, the photo I tacked down was for sure a lassie.  

The links given if you Google her name are  no longer available, the website is down, and most of her 26 published books are no longer available to buy.

But so far I can not find any legal action having been initiated by the genuine author: it would not be me. 

Monday, 7 March 2016

Getting back into the swing of the sequel - and Detective Fanahan!!!

 “This way Garda.”
It's Detective Inspector. Lead on Mc Duff.”
In here, we only cut her down and laid her on her bed. Nothing else was disturbed. The letter is on the nightstand.”
Thanks. Who cut him down?”
The porter cut her down. Will I send for him.”
No not yet. I want to have a look at him, he has changed hasn't he?”
I..I can't say. I'm only here a few years. Looking after her.”
OK! Can I have a minute?”

Fanahan started to hum a tune, a song he heard somewhere, and at time of thinking inside, he ran it through his mind, often vocalising it as humming. He also muttered to himself, silently. Cardboard programming he called it. Saying out loud what was worrying him. Sometimes even finding a quick solution, that formed in his brain and became reality.
You have changed Plonker, smaller, skinnier. Jees when you fell on me in the street – you almost flattened me! How many years ago. Five? Six? The wig fell off. Christ is that a wig? It's a better one anyway. Did someone buy it for you Georgie, or did you inherit it. If someone looks in and sees me smiling and talking to myself they may try to keep me in here. Shay you are here to identify Georgie. Is it him? Who the feck, else could it be?
He has changed, but as he was incarcerated in here – it must be him. I need to get out of here quick and have a few scoops, before I report back. Well a lot of people will be relieved – the killer brought to justices. God's justice, if not man's justice. Dead as a doornail – no danger any more.
Can't believe he hung himself. Did he come back to himself and do it, or did he come back as he did it. Feck we will never know. Good riddance. Hung himself? Now that's something I always wondered about. They say when a man hangs himself, he gets a big Langer, a big erection. No Shay you wouldn't – you wouldn't take a peek. Sh-one-t I would. But what if someone sees me – the detective was observed peeping up the dead woman's skirt. Jees no I can't risk it. Crap you will never get another opportunity to find out. Get rid of yer woman first.

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