
Thursday, 26 September 2013

Heil Enda!

Now I didn't intend, at all, to voice and opinion on whether Seanad Éireann should be abolished or not. I was going to make up my mind on the day. I was a bit concerned that it might be unconstitutional to just remove it. Then I heard a bit about changes being made to our Constitution: and a statement like that always gives me the sh-1-ts.

So I did what I'm good at: SNOOPING ABOUT, and look what came out of the woodwork...

"If this referendum is passed: The Dáil alone will have the power to pass national emergency laws and to decide a national emergency exists."

Strange that it isn't saying “IF” a national emergency exists, rather that The Dáil can decide one “DOES” exist.

Then I thought: that looks familiar. Where have I seen something like this before? So I checked and found where I had seen it before.

"In March 1933 the Nazis in the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act, which allowed Hitler's government to deviate from the constitution as necessary."

And The World knows well where all that led to.

Heil Enda!

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