
Tuesday, 8 September 2015

I'm going to call the next book (about the Staff of Christ) The Backroom Boys.

I was at a ceremony on Friday to mark the 90th anniversary of the re-dedication of our church of St. Mac Cullins in Lusk.

I had opened my big mouth a while ago and told Father Paul that there were people in the community who remembered the occasion. So he invited the ten over 90's people.

My old pal Jack who is 97 in November presented a candle which burned for the ceremonies.

I had a brief chat with him and remembered that he is the last surviving member of The Backroom Boys - a drinking club.

Then the writing oil started lubricating my brain - and I thought what a great name for a book about Clerics planning a secret rebellion - to wrest Catholicism from Rome and instead have a Christian Community replace the Pope and his committees.

The Staff of Christ was brought here by St. Patrick's when he brought Christianity (not Catholicism) to Ireland. A few hundred years later Rome got in on the act and took over the Irish church.

The legend is that the Staff was in a monastery near-by until a few hundred years ago and was burned by a Reformation Bishop - who converted to Catholicism a while after. The original staff was maybe his admission fee. Something like this must have happened because Bishop Browne destroyed a lot of churches and treasures, and burned down a lot of monasteries.

What if he did not burn the real staff - but hid it. Then if The Backroom Boys can track it down they can Schism away to their hearts content.

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