
Monday, 16 April 2018

Writing is a funny game from frivolity to the serious stuff Wicker Wood II

When Georgie thought back on it, he realised that he was always more than a single person. Some of the reading-up he did on it, secretly, while in the hospital – no madhouse – explained a bit about the disorder. Another disorder he mused to himself, the first time he saw the disease explained as a disorder of the mind, usually caused by childhood trauma. And he had lots of that while he was growing up with cloying Mumsie, The Duchess, and of course The Major. It wasn't sexual, just abuse that destroyed his being, self belief, and any sense of worth he had. That was when Timmy came to his rescue. He was stronger and able to stand up to the grown ups: not outwardly though, secretly, hidden, out of the light he used say. A cat missing, presumed to have strayed, but dead, terribly cut up, and secreted where a maid might find it eventually when the stench became overpowering in the house. Dogs, particularly one of major's beagles, poisoned: found in the morning legs up, lying on its back, the bloated belly swollen with gas.
Then, when Georgie was not so distressed with the family any more, Timmy would go away for a time. It was Timmy who was the killer, first of animals, and then the girls. Georgie tried to stop him, saying.....No Timmy, No Timmy. Not more killing
 enough girls have been killed. In the end it was Georgie who buried them in the grove. He reasoned if the bodies were found he would get the blame, not Timmy.
Even now when he thought of it he whimpered. “ ….No, Timmy, No. I'll be the blame. Not you...” Then after Grammy died, she often came back and chastised both of them. After the police came, Grammy stayed and Timmy was banished. He stayed away for years, but – he was back now, and then, still a killer: this time in waiting. How long could Georgie make him wait?
The last time when Duchess said the boy was responsible for making the mess, letting the family down, and finally indicated as best she would allow herself to, that the boy was responsible. 
Everyone thought she meant Georgie killed the girls, but that was not true, what she was trying to say, and her pride in the family would not let her say it: Timmy was the killer, the culprit, the brigand, the vagabond.
Maybe now this time The General would rein Timmy in and prevent further carnage: maybe.

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