
Monday, 23 April 2012

Referendum. Please tell us what to do

I'm getting very confused about the water charges being proposed or not proposed, or might be proposed or not: by one or other arm, of the so called Stable Guv'mint.

Stable is right: there is a terrible smell of horseshit about all the announcements being made.

If that's not enough this shower of fibbers are now faced with a Referendum on a physical, or fiscal, or fish-able; European something or other.

I'm confused, why would I not be: a few weeks to go and no info being given out to assist us in our decision:  on Yea, or Neigh. More Guv'mint Horse Sense?

Get Phillo on the job quick, get him blathering and exaggerating, or bullying us into voting Yes, or maybe No , but at least tell us what to do, its important, it really is.

It's important that we know what the Guv'mint want us to do. It really is! Honestly!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Rural Housing Development Fees FCC

For many years Fingal County Council have levied a so called development fee for planning permission in NCD.

In 2010 (the last year for which I can find published figures) an individual had to pay €143 per square metre to build a private dwelling. This was broken down as €98.40 for roads, €49.91 for water and drainage and sewage and €23.25 towards Parks. ( Our road is 11 feet wide, a strip of old tarmac between grass verges, we are served by a 2inch water main, we don't have main sewage or a local drainage system: however we still had to pay the levy.)

So for a 150 square metre 2/3 bedroom house, every person who got a  Planning Permission, had to pay a development levy of at least €21,450 to FCC. 

I have checked planning files and can find much higher figures, generally from €30,000 to € 50,000.

Now The Incredible Hulk Hogan is blathering that people who have paid stamp duty when buying a house MAY be exempt from the forthcoming household taxes. 

Yes taxes, not tax, these Boyos won't stop at one household tax. Before you can say there's another water leak on the road, you will be paying for water, waste water treatment plants, (your own supplied - so called septic tank), street  lighting ( we don't have any) and rubbish collection by private companies at fees that would choke a brown bin. 

And then when the environmentally friendly motorists out for a Sunday Jaunt tosses his/her black bin sacks into the ditches, you will have to pay for them to be collected also.

Wake up and smell the roses, we need to make very sure that people who have already paid Monstrous Fees, for planning will also be exempt, from the household and septic tank registration fees?

Friday, 6 April 2012

RTE funded by a Pole Tax says #vinb

What did Vinnie The Poo #vinb say a few nights ago?

Something like RTE being “funded by a Pole Tax”: interesting to say the least. Was he referring to the household tax?

Makes me wonder is our money which we pay as a Licence Fee for a “Receiving Apparatus” not covering the big salaries?

On the same program Vinny thought He was the National Broadcaster. He ! He said “We (royal we?) are the National Broadcaster. Vinny, Vinny, TV3 broadcasts to the nation. That don't make 'em the National Broadcaster. Dream on about working for the National Broadcaster.

At least he didn't go all apoplectic (look it up. No don't I'll tell you. “A sudden loss of ...voluntary motion, due generally to rupture of a blood vessel in the brain.) and start waving his hands and arms around while frothing at the mouth, as he usually does when he is “Pixilated” over something.

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