
Monday, 31 December 2012

Are you a "Fog Lights On Plonker" while driving?

They drive me mad!

Idiots who drive in daylight but more especially in the darkness with their “Fog Lights” on while fog is not present.

I considered “while there is no fog” for the above. But y'know.

I saw a clown on the M1 Near the Airport last night, in the middle of three lanes, both sets of “Fog Lights” on front and rere.

He was travelling at around 40K with the drivers window wound down : tossing the fag ash out.

At least the other clown who passed him on the inside was travelling!

I'd say about 120K in the 80K limit.

This carry-on is the type: that when the Gardai come to speak about such behaviour: they insist they will have plenty of patrols out over the Bank Holiday Weekend monitoring the situation.

I call it “Policing by Fear”. Threaten; then sit back, do nothing, and see what happens.

If it is then a good weekend with no bad fatalities, take the credit for the success of your policies.

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