
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Still Sweet, but Ego Deflated.

I'm Diabetic: people always said I was too sweet, now it's official.

On Monday went for my yearly check up. Nurse was putting drops in my eyes so that they could test for Glaucoma or something like that. She said I hope you won't mind this will sting: A LOT. I replied I hope you won't mind Nurse when I SCREAM A LOT.

Good news: they found a heart bump bumping away to the right rhythm. Bosanova or something, wasn't a Tango anyway – slow slow quick quick slow.

Mr. Doc looked into my eyes, tested my reflexes, stuck pins in my feet, and then looked into my empty wallet and sent me home.

Said you are doing fine: see ya next year, meanwhile,  cut down on what you are drinking. Only two cups of Tea a day for me now.

Feeling great. Walked down the street and got onto a crowded bus. I'm standing alongside the middle door swinging on the hand rail: swinging on rails come naturally to me. Strange that!

Lovely girl starts smiling at me. Wow I'm thinking. YOU AIN’T LOST IT PAL. Still getting the ladies to smile at you.

Down home: before I came to Dublin I had birds flocking to me. I fed the chickens.

Back to the smiling girl. She got up and offered her seat, insisting I sat down. The sign on the bus wall said “Please surrender this seat to an elderly person.”

Friday, 12 April 2013

I think 166 Bart Simpletons are sitting in Dáil Éireann.

I looked up Ireland under “Heads of State” on the Net and found an opinion that our President holds a “Ceremonial” position only.

This got the old grey matter churning, enough to ask: have we got a Government, and various so called opposition T D’s who now hold “Ceremonial” position as well.

We must have because any time the present Fine Gael and Labour “Collision” Government as asked why they imposed new taxes or cut some allowance or closed some fine upstanding business and put people on the dole: the answer is inevitable “The Troica Told Us to do it!”

So the question is a valid one.

Did we elect an Irish Government, who formed a cabinet to run the country, but have now abdicated their responsibilities to faceless people in Europe. Our T D's are now sitting back scoffing at us and drawing down their massive salaries, allowance, and “Other Perks”

In my opinion they are using the Bart Simpson excuse for naughtiness A BIG BOY MADE ME DO IT. This Irish Government is one big cartoon we need to redraw soon.

After all if Europe is calling all the shots why do we need lapdogs, because if we copped ourselves on we could do the barking ourselves.

Doing that we would save €20 Million is salaries and €11.7 Million in allowances this year.

And remember, this massive amount of wasted, unearned income, comes out of our pockets!

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Think I just discovered and allege, that when the Dáil in Ireland was disolved other Government Functions were also disolved.

 Was speaking with the Education Ombudsman Ireland for a year on a UNI Lecturer bullying complaint.  Since the Dáil was disolved a project t...