
Friday, 21 March 2014

Sometimes I think I'm blogging to myself!

Here I go again talking to the wall – an old Irish saying – which means talking and not getting any response: or not getting the message through the lines of communication. Mam used say I might as well be talking to the wall: giving you advice!

Long ago I came to the conclusion that individuals who blog, tweet, post on Facebook – communication like that – only talk and don't listen!

This means they post to make themselves feel important and couldn't be arsed readings what others say. Well that's not precise enough: they post and if any comments are made – scan those to see if their “handle” is mentioned.

You know what I'm on about – another expression for sounding off!

@TomCat tweets my dog has the ups & downs! What to do Mr Pat?

@Someoneelse tweets my cat had kittens, and she is not in a relationship!!!

@Idon'tcare tweets what's on telly tonite?

Poor @TomCat is left waiting for @someoneInterested  to tell him to put the dog out into the garden quickly!

Ah! I'm fed up @talkingtomyself – the world's gone to hell in a hand-basket.

Back to's the cover for me Little Book – Literature I writ and am roofing at the moment from a roof copy.... Must fun the test through a spolechucker as well. Possibly a Grammar check as well.....

Thursday, 13 March 2014

It looks like a Tombstone..

I decided to use Create Space to publish - In The Wicker Wood – but I don't know if I can do a proper job of setting it all up and producing a cover that well reflect the book properly.

So I put on my old Worzel Gummidge Thinking Head – and decided to do a dry run.

I rooted around on my hard-disk, I'm a sloppy filer, and found a couple of short stories and a handful of poems. Then I added a few #Micropoetry and #Twihaiku Tweets - it was a nice set of ingredients - and then I had a cake to bake. But instead I started assembling a short book.

I called it The Knowledge Seekers & The Land Of Cudhabeen. The short stories are about the Imbols - Drudic Knowledge Keepers and the rest are some poems from things that I wish could-have-been different.

The I added some other stuff from blogs and my website and called them Broad Thoughts From a Home For The Bewildered.

I threw it all into Create Space and then started to use Cover Generator to make a cover.

I was doing great, nice colours, a nice picture selected, and a nice Bio written – white letters on a black background - in a nice frame, complete with picture – all ready to be printed.

My PAL (Partner and Lover) looked over my shoulder and I asked “Whatcha think- whatcha think – nice- ...?”

It looks like a tombstone,” she said and left the room.

Back to the drawing board.

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Think I just discovered and allege, that when the Dáil in Ireland was disolved other Government Functions were also disolved.

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