
Friday, 2 December 2016

As I grow older and wiser, I'm getting smaller!

Don't panic, don't panic - I only mean my books will be smaller from now on for a while. I will be Kindling 12,000 or 15,000 word efforts.

You see although the sequel to In The Wicker Wood is progressing and I have a first draft  ready, I have decided, as I usually do,  to park the work for a few weeks.

A friend has asked me to help him with his first book. At present he is reading a copy of WW and because he is a not a regular reader, he seems to be skimming or not understanding the plot and the characters.

When you are asked - "Where did the drugs go to before the police arrived?"

You reply "Remember the shawlie, the fish lady who was in the alley with a barrow, she flinched them."

"Missed that."

So you come home and have a look at the book and you see.....By the time the heavy gang of Gardai The Bootery...Watcher had emptied it of the drug consignment.....

I'm having second thoughts. Not about WW: about helping him. No risk - no blame.

So then I did a bit of reading to relax and came across Nathan Meunier's e-book, "Write Short Kindle Books".

So I went back to Streets of Birdsong (short stories and poetry). I assembled a book and last year used it to try and learn how D2D worked. It worked fine but, I was not happy with the book and later I withdrew it.

Now I am having a look at rewriting and perhaps re-titling that and making a small Kindle and selling it for 99 Cents, or 99P.

Thanks Nathan, but the problem with your advice is that when my brain waved this brainwave notion and I acted on it. It means I will have to go back, next week, and finish your book for the marketing and promotion advice.

Nah Nathan, - only joking.

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