
Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Well! Make up your mind - will ya. Is my book good or is it bad?

I revived a glowing review of In The Wicker Wood that encouraged people to buy my book.

I received a terrible review of In The Wicker Wood that warned customers about buying the book, and encouraged them not to buy it.

Well I hear you all say what's wrong with that?  We need to take the rough with the smooth.

I would: if both reviews were not written and posted - albeit a few months apart by the same reader/reviewer.

The Self Same Reviewer.

A while ago I stopped participating on the Createspace Discussion Forum because the same person kept telling me on a Monday I was a great writer and then on Friday when I disagreed with something he said - I was a terrible person, writer and human being.

We call people like that by several names in Ireland but mostly we say they are Flaky.

But the real answer is simpler. The first review was flattering to me and flattering to the writer since the piece was more about showing how well read this person thought he was. I said that on a Tweet at the time and got a nasty reply back.

The glowing comments on my work was also an attempt to get me to join his Buddy Review Club.

The second review was posted a few months after I pointed out inconsistencies in logic in his second book, and suggested it should be re-visited.

Now Mr X has a new book for sale.

And I am about to release my next two offerings on Amazon Kindle

The project is a series of 15 Minute Reads.

The first is titled Caged Bird and is a one act play. The second is a rewrite of Buteo buteo, the story of love lost, despair, and resurrection of the mind.

Interesting times!

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