
Friday, 19 February 2016

Still doing the setup for the sequel to WW - hard work remembering what I did in book 1.

Sidesteps to Beat Steps

You're welcome Superintendent Tyrell -  to the show.”
Now Ivor. I'm retried it's just plain Bob now.”
But you did spend time in the force and rose to the rank of Superintendent.”
I did, but now as you know Ivor I'm here to talk about my Memoir “Sidesteps to  Beat Steps” my time as a footballer and pounding the beat.”
On the beat, walking the streets, on patrol. I never knew you did that.”
Ivor in the old days all rookies started in that way, but again Ivor – the book, that's the mission today.”
You solved the serial killer case and brought the killer of eleven women to justice, Bob.”
I had help, there Detective Inspector Shay Fanahan made the first breakthrough, when he recognised the killer, even though he was dressed in drag. Sergeant harry Roycroft down in Port Siney initiated a search of the Bowen place and found the graves. Dogged police work on both their part. And the dogged detection work of Sheba as well.”
So it is true a seeing eye dog, sniffed the killer out even in his Grannies clothes.”
Ivor if you were afraid of dogs no matter if you were up a tree, when one gets sniffing for you - you panic. The late Prunty Senior always said that one of these boys will stand beside a prancing stallion going down to the start at the Currough, but put then in a room with a Shih Tzu, they … well I will leave the rest to the viewer's imagination. It was his record keeping for the customers of his handmade shoes that first put us on to Bowen. I could almost hear him and his cackling laugh as I wrote the case into the book. A gentleman and we all miss him, may he rest in peace.”
Where is the killer now? Bob.”
In a place – you couldn't call it a hospital, or a prison – it's a place for the criminally insane.”
Are the staff, and maybe even visitors, safe from him? Could he kill again?”
Ivor – he doesn't even know who he is, or where he is, all that remains is the personality of a frail, elderly lady. I say lady because she believes she is the mistress of a large house, with tended gardens, servants and people to cook her meals and serve her. In fact unless she is seated at the end of a dining table with a few candelabra with lighting candles, and a tablecloth on it, she will refuse to eat until things are restored to normal, as she says. I'm afraid that for Duchess Bowen, there are no today's or tomorrow's just yesterday's.”
Bob are you sure Georgie, the serial killer, is gone?”
Jees Ivor! I hope so. A killer with no conscience or regret, must never be allowed out into the population.”
What if one day he woke up and said – I'm back, it's me Georgie. I'm myself again.”

Then we could charge him with the murders. We have never been able to so far, because basically we could not bring an old lady to court and charge her. You see Georgie is gone, long gone - I don't believe he exists any more. Wish he did – there are many unanswered questions.”

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