
Saturday, 24 May 2014

To the Troglodyte who said as a poet I make a good bricklayer – yes you!

On the "Voice of the Author/Publisher Thread" on Amazon KDP– which by the way should be more rigorously moderated for bullying and harassment – a poster said of The Land Of Cudhabeen poem that the “poet makes a good bricklayer – keep up the the day job.”

There was also reference to me being a “Poor Delusional Beastie", another advised me to buy a CreateSpace copy of my own book as a souvenir – as “if you sell one copy of your poems you will be doing well”.

Of course: it goes without saying that these Plonkers had not read the book or Kindle copy at all.

Now lets get to the real readers: and what they said...

Lazarian Wordsmith's book gives a wonderful insight into Ireland's ancient culture. The writer investigates some of the strange stories and legends which make his country so fascinating. The writing is wonderfully poetic; it's also gripping - I read it in one eager gulp. This paperback is a necessary companion to any 'ordinary' guide book to Ireland, and will be a delight to readers with an interest in the country's many mystical qualities."

The Land of Cudhabeen resonated powerfully with me after my recent loss … of a cancer...

The lyricism of the prose stories makes them poetic and the poems are prosaic. There is very strong emotion in the words, there is laughter, and hope, but mostly there is the sadness of a lost love .

The fairy Tale is written in such a way that you believe the writer, has a some stage, indeed been “Away With The Fairies”.

I can now see the head Troglodyte and his band of Amazon Forum Trolls crouching around a dim fire glow, in the flickering shadows, at the back of a darkish cave; chipping away at their slates...the message -He Wrote Those Himself - while tongue licking their nasal secretion, candle-wax dropping snots, with their now silent tongue and swallowing the mess for their daily nourishment. They look up with their Golum eye-lidless eyes and lick their lips and think – we are precious. Legends in our own minds!

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