
Wednesday, 29 April 2015

I downloaded your Kindle - haven't started it yet!

“From the moment I picked up your book until I put it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.” 

Groucho Marks.

Today I found out what he meant.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

The Eulogy Was Birdsong.

“If you have the words, there's always a chance that you'll find the way.” 
― Seamus HeaneyStepping Stones: Interviews with Seamus Heaney

I was at a funeral the weekend, a good writer, a lover of nature, and his family. Dead, far to young.

He liked the poetry of Heaney and Kavanagh.

At Mass the priest talked about his love of the Dawn Chorus, and how he would bring the kids, into woods on nature walks.

We were just finished the burial: it's customary at that point to say a decade of the Rosary. But the birds were singing, a robin was flitting around on the ground, and the priest said "Let's just listen to the birds singing." We did for a few minutes and I felt a little less sad that I had lost a friend.

Today a phrase came to mind.

The eulogy was birdsong.

Monday, 27 April 2015

I would have said fools' names, like their faces, are always seen in public places.

A fool may scrawl on a slate and if no one has the wit to wipe it clean for a thousand years, the scrawl becomes the wisdom of ages.” 
― Mark LawrenceKing of Thorns

This is a reminder that what you say on an open forum, like Goodreads, or Createspace, or Amazon, even Linkedin, can be seen by everyone on a Google search. 

What did Hill Street Blues, Phil say? "Be careful out there folks."

Saturday, 25 April 2015

I thought this was a new opinion - I had

“In old days books were written by men of letters and read by the public. Nowadays books are written by the public and read by nobody.”

― Oscar Wilde

Can't say anymore, except I had no problem with the wallpaper, at all.

Wouldn't die because of it!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Shudda Gone To Specsavers (Irish company who provide Eye-Glasses and Hearing Aids).

I nominated a book for a monthly award:-

This Book:-

I was attacked and accused of Self Nomination. The person apologised and that was that. Then other members who as usual only respond to what they think they see got in on the act. 

Then the Moderator did as well, and again posted that "The Author" was hassling people for votes.

He has been nominated twice for the Pulitzer and he is canvassing  to win a monthly award on a forum based in Ireland!  

This is me:

Thursday, 16 April 2015

My book...what more can anyone say...Jo Nesbo - WOW!

In The Wicker Wood Where Secrets Are Buried

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

By Temple Emmet Williams on April 7, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

The truth of life, the lie of life, the wry humor of life and everything in between.

A good book promises adventure, a journey into unknown and sometimes unpleasant places.
You meet characters stripped naked by the literary magic of an author.

You witness events laid bare because the writer pulls back the curtain, revealing the truth of life, the lie of life, the wry humour of life and everything in between. “In The Wicker Wood: Where Secrets Are Buried” fulfills the promise of a good book.

At times, story lines and subplots seem to trip on one another, pushing the perception of a reader to its outer limits.

A now-famous author, Jo Nesbo, has masterfully shown the world the secrets of Norway,
its subcultures of authority (the police and the politicians), Oslo’s drug culture, murder,
kidnapping and mayhem in Scandinavia.

The author of “In The Wicker Wood” attempts to reveal Ireland in a similar fashion.
Wicker Wood is a book worth reading.

And this is from a two times Pulitzer nominee.......

What are readers saying about The Knowledge Seekers?

A small section of reviews, from Authorised Purchases on Amazon,  of The Knowledge Seekers & The Land of Cudhabeen.

The author has a unique style and is expert at telling a story in an entertaining and interesting way. Some of his stories have echoes of Flann O'Brien's "AT Swim Two Birds" He obviously cares about language and his work is true art.

Tales of love and loss set in the mythological fairy realms of old Ireland. A sweeping novel of fantasy love, intersected by transcendent poetry. Lazarian Wordsmith has a way with words. He effortlessly weaves magic with moments of aching realism. A fast read.

Lazarian Wordsmith weaves Irish legend and history into a book written from his own poetic viewpoint. He includes some of his evocative poetry which sheds a special light on this country where magic and legend still hold so much sway. For visitors to Ireland, this book should be read alongside a standard travel guide. For those who know the country well, it will be an added ingredient to the great melting-pot of Celtic mystery.

I gave my rating as I was delighted to be reading a book from a local Author and I enjoyed his mix of old Celtic stories and poetry. Looking out for his next book.

I would endorse this book to anyone who is interested in Irish culture from the first settlers to the computer literate generation of today. The Twitter and Micro-poetry poems use a minimum of words to convey emotion and social comment.

An enjoyable and entertaining journey through simpler times, emotion, joy, sadness, humour and well written evocative language! A perfect mix of poetry and short stories!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

All you have to do is Enter. I'm givin' it away!!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Knowledge Seekers & The Land Of Cudhabeen by Lazarian Wordsmith

The Knowledge Seekers & The Land Of Cudhabeen

by Lazarian Wordsmith

Giveaway ends May 06, 2015.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter to Win

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Found & Donned me old Help Desk Hat - may have solved it!

Climbed into the back of the closet: and found it. My old Solving Problems Help Desk Hat.

It did fit: my head has not swelled since I became a Best Selling Writer – well I sell as best I can – wherever I can.

It's me Nick Name: that's it, it's corrupt.

How do I know...well shush......

Whisper, I set up another CS Identity.

Then I accessed the forums and found that my reception was the same as my first identity: you can look, but you can't post.

Then I set up a Nick Name. It was just like Easter Sunday Morning: I was resurrected.

Now I could see all me old pals, and send them a message that I had been away for three days, but was back. (I wonder is this post offensive to my beliefs? No! I think Jesus had a sense of humour, he must have had to save me.)

So late last night I informed CS Help Desk of what I found.

I will keep you posted. Ha! Ha! Ha! Posted.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

I used to manage a Help Desk - that helped our customers.

I love help desks manned by Numb Skulls – NOT!

My latest book "In The Wicker Wood – where secrets are buried" is produced on Create Space, but they don't seem to have it on their system, in such a way that a Google or Yahoo search will feature it.

My first book is featured prominently.

Told CS help desk. Reply - we don't control what a search engine will show – Doh! Know that, it's search 101. But if you don't have it on your website they won't find it. Still waiting for a reply.

But then I'd say they're busy – the links to CS "Community" and "Threads" seem to be broken as well. You can see some threads, but can't post a reply.

Had a look at their website about customer satisfaction - easy to write hard to provide - it seems.

But it's better than the Amazon “Expert” who told me, I could not see a listing on Amazon.UK, because – no wait for it – I was in Ireland.

Gave him a "Harry Potter Howler" about the World Wide Web.

Amazon/CS know where Europe and "Tax Haven Countries" are though!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Pubs in ireland are closed on Good Friday - It's an Irish Joke!

The idea that you can't get a drink in a pub in Ireland on Good Friday is just another Irish Joke.

When Irish Politicians pass “Laws” they are always scared that they might “Lose their seat”. Not the seat of their pants, or their perch on a bar-stool – their seat in Dáil Éireann, so they leave loopholes in legislation.

By law Pubs in Ireland must remain closed on Good Friday, it's an old idea, instigated by a strong Catholic Hierarchy and a weak Oireachtas (Houses of Parliament).

In those days the national Broadcaster also did not broadcast on Good Friday either, later I think they were allowed stay open if they only featured mournful dirges of music all day long.

But then we got an Aviation business and since travellers were all up in the air they could have a drink or two on this Black-Day.

Then the railways got in on the act and their travellers could enjoy a drink before departure in a Railway Bar.

Well before you could say - do we have enough glasses to serve this crowd - everyone was travelling and getting in on the act.

Then things got complicated when the Senior Citizens were awarded free travel on public transport.

Now on Good Friday pubs and lounges in railway Stations are thronged with people with train tickets who are not going everywhere – just sitting at tables and on stools waving their tickets and ordering drink.

It could only happen in Ireland!

Come back Myles na gCopaleen all is forgiven.

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Think I just discovered and allege, that when the Dáil in Ireland was disolved other Government Functions were also disolved.

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